Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Raw Bread

This is a wonderful raw living onion bread made by lovely friend Ayia
Davis who lives in London.

I will be supplying the health food shops around Ireland with it. At the moment it is available in all of the health food shops in Cork and will be available in more shops around Ireland in the next few weeks.

It is made using raw organic sprouted bio-dynamic buckwheat.

Check it out when you can :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

I make this salad a lot, with different variations.. The main ingredients are ones that shread easily such as carrots, beets, cucumber, black radish, corgette etc..

Push them through the food processor with the shredding blade on. Then stop with the shredding and add an avocado, chives, minced garlic and some dressing or what ever you would like.

Also, to soften and flavor it, let it sit for a while with lemon juice and a sprinkle of salt.
Another lovely addition is sprouts.. tossed in and mixed around, any type will be great.. mung bean, alfa-alfa, radish sprouts.. and the more the better.

Sprouts grow easily in a jar, you need to water them everyday and soak them initally overnight and strain and rinse in the morning..

Next post I'll highlight where I get the best raw meals in Cork.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Juicy Day 13

I'm on day 13 of my juice cleanse and I really felt like eating something today but I held out and had this beautiful orange and pommegranite juice, I blended it with udo's oil and sipped it so it would last longer.
Here is some parsley I juiced earlier with some apples, celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger and kale.

Here is my fruit bowl ready to be juiced.. Its good to always have plenty of fruit and vegetables at home whether or not you juice them.

I'm really happy that I've almost done two weeks, yay me :)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy New You

My year is off to a great start, I'm on the 8th day of a Juice Feast. I started on 29th Dec at the phenomanal Hipprocrates Europe Retreat.

I'm going to stay on the Juice Feast for as long as I can as know how it can transform your life on many levels.
Physically - weight loss, bright eyes, glowing skin and more energy.
Mentally - Clear and peaceful mind, positive thoughts and expectations.
Emotionally - Because of the more positive functionings of the physical and mental, the emotions feel more balanced.
Spiritually - I feel like I am being extra authentic, which makes me more aligned to my spirititual self.

I'll be juicing lots of spinach, kale, cucumbers, celery, radish, carrots, bok choy, corgette, parsley, ginger, tumeric and lots of juicy fruits, and whatever else I can find. Oh and wheatgrass.

Other drinks and included are herbal teas, strained miso soup so no bits in it, so it'll be soup flavoured water really.

Superfoods blended in to the juices are spirulina, chlorella, acai powder, he sho wu, and I empty capsules of whatever is in the press into the juices too.

I also blend oils into the juices - flax oil, hemp oil, udo's oil, coconut oil etc

I'm not having any bee pollen on this feast as it might be hard to stop at a few spoons :P

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Longeviety Genius Conference

This was Dr David Hamilton, he spoke of how to heal your body with your mind. Apparantly the body cannot distinguish whether it is having an experience or you are imagining it with your mind. A good example of this is a man getting an erection by fantasizing ;) He gave an example of people healing themselves through visualising.
He said when we show love and affection to others that everyone benefits by getting a boost of the happy hormone oxytocin including anybody that is watching. Hugging softens hardened arteries around the heart! So ''A Hug A Day Keeps The Cardiologist Away'' were his last words as he closed his highly informitive and entertaining speech.

Next up was David Wolfe, he spoke of the medicinal power of foods. The immunity boosting power mushrooms such as chaga, reishi and cordyceps. And also simple things like the healing compuonds in brocolli and avocado. He talked about cleansing the body and other cures such as DMSO for arthritis.

And last was Dr John Demartini, he is a human behavour specailist. He spoke of his own inspiring story of how he against all odds and with dyslexia became so successful and by doing so he inspires others to do the same. He says to have a vision for yourself and not to compromise on it.